Madilyn has a new cousin who is a month old. Madilyn adores this baby, and gets very jealous when you try to take him away from her. She thinks she is a big girl now that she has a younger cousin. It is crazy to see how small Madilyn is when she is laying next to a 6 week old.
She just lights up when she is with him. You can't help but wonder if she knew this little guy in heaven. She really is good with him and loves kissing on him. It has been bitter sweet having a new little baby cousin already showing strength Madilyn never had. In fact he holds his head up a lot better then our little Madilyn. I know it will be a difficult day when her 6 week old cousin starts passing her by. Sitting up, rolling over, crawling, walking just to name a few. Though I am grateful for this new miracle in this world I can't help but sit and watch as everyone watches in amazement when he kicks vigorously, and comment how strong he is. . Here are some cute pics of the two together.
Grandma Julie says this is a beautiful picture.
so cute Jaime!
Nice list of ideas to try.
Hi, I am sure that you have scoured the net in search of ways to help your daughter, so I am sending this knowing that you may have come across Barbara's website already. I came upon your blog in reading up on compression suits. I thought this site may be of help to you. There are many ideas and devices to help children like Mayilyn. In addition, if you click on the "home" link on this website, there is a book on the hypotonic child and other information/resources.
Ruthie from California
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