Thursday, March 10, 2011

New trunk Orthosis

    Madilyn received her Trunk Orthosis today, and wore it for the first time.  Just from today, I can already tell it was a good investment.  For those of you who read my blog a couple weeks ago, Madilyn had a SpioSuit, another type of orthosis.  It didn't work all that great, and felt she needed something with more support.  We did our research and decided to get her the Benik Dynamic Trunk Orthosis Vest. 
    The Benik Dynamic Trunk Orthosis Vest is a two piece body vest constructed of 3mm ventilated neoprene and is terry lined for comfort. Vest provides upper trunk support and proprioceptive input.   It comes in many other colors but we decided to go with the hot pink, flashy and bright.  She is suppose to where it all day except night time.  Hopefully it will give her a little more stability and help her not slump over while trying to sit.  We put her against the couch in her orthosis vest, and when she would start to fall, she laughed and laughed.  I sware she was falling on purpose just to be silly! 


grandma & grandpa Holloway said...

We love you so much Madilyn. we love your cute hot pink vest. Keep up the great work and keep smiling
Love grandma and grandpa Holloway

Erin Pagan said...

Gabriel just got fitted for the benik vest too, She sits so well with the vest I cant wait to get Gabriels