Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mastering the hand to hand Transfer

Madilyn has mastered being able to transfer a toy from one hand to the other.  AT 9 months she was unable to grasp a toy let alone transfer it.  This is a huge step for Madie and we are so proud of her.  It's little baby steps like this that give us hope that Madilyn will some day be more mobile then we originally thought.  We are going to prove those doctors wrong Madie, and one day your going to surprise us all!  Good job baby girl!!!!  (14months)

She thinks she is pretty cool.


chelsey holloway judd said...

GOOOOOO MADIE!!!!!!!! Such a BIG girl!!!!! soooo proud of her! she is sooo freakin cute and i love her cute ponytail and her unbuttoned pants;)hahah it reminds me when i would do that to bree's.

Erin Pagan said...

Good job Madie! She's toooo cute, and she is totally telling you a story!!

madilyn1 said...

Hi Madilyn,
You made us so happy today when we watched your video and you had so much fun playing with your toy. You are an amazing little girl with so much determination to do all you can. We could pick you up and squeeze and hug you 1000 times. You are darling and we love you so much!

Love Grandma & Grandpa H.

Greg and Alysia said...

Adorable! That is a great step! I love her little jabbering, she is such a sweetie.