Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Big Week

    The day is finally near, the blood work results from our Genetic/Metabolic doctor will be here on Tuesday.  Madilyn also will be going to her first PT/OT appointment at Shriners tomorrow, along with her Sleep Study at Primary Children's. As you can see it is a big week for our family and Madilyn. 
     I don't know what I am feeling right now being just 2 days before getting results back from the Genetic doc.  Nervous, scared, anxious, excited, worried, impatient, however you want to put it, these results could change our lives.  The genetic/metabolic doc did say it is possible the blood work will be normal, and that being said, he will test Madilyn for more DNA type conditions and Syndromes which could get pricey.  I really trust Madilyn's Genetic doc and feel he has an amazing medical knowledge.  I truly feel he will find the answer to what might be causing Madilyn's Delays and Hypotonia. 
     I feel strange right now, a numb feeling really.  A peace I guess you could say.  What ever the next step is for us, I've got to keep positive, and have faith.  Those are the things that keep me going on this seemingly long medical path.  Heck if Madilyn can do it, then mommy can.  Please Heavenly Father let it be good news, let it be safe, let it be something my husband and I can handle.


grandma &grandpa said...

Our prayers are with you Madilyn and also your Mom and Dad. We are going to have a special fast for you on your Tues. Let us know when you find our the results and we love you all dearly! Love ya, grandma & grandpa

Mandy Eames said...

Oh Madilyn, you are such a brave little soul! Your bumbo video got me all choked up, you are so sweet. You and your family are in our prayers.

Greg and Alysia said...

Jaime, Whatever it is you can handle it. You are strong and a great mother. Maddie came to your family because you are strong and you have all the support of all your family and lots of loving friends. Please let us help in any way. Our hearts are there with you and good luck with everything this week. Love ya!

Chalonn said...

You will be able to handle this have already proven prayers are with you all...