I've been thinking a lot about this post, and really feel it is one thing that has helped me survive life, "Laughter." I've relearned this valuable lesson through Madilyn, and have gained a better understanding of its importance. It is my new found healing agent.
Madiliyn has just recently found her gut laugh, and boy is it loud. She is starting to laugh more and more at the silliest things. When she laughs, you can't help but laugh with her. This has brought me to know the importance of laughter and why we need it in our lives.
Back in college I remember attending a talk by a professor who spoke about laughter. He said, "If you can find laughter in anything you can survive it." Laughter allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on. Every laugh you manage, cuts short the miles and hours and days of hardship. I truly believe it has helped myself and my husband get through challenging times in our marriage. You cannot be mad at somebody who makes you laugh - it's as simple as that.
A good laugh brings sunshine into the home, and that is just what Madilyn does. Thank you everyone who has made me laugh, my kids, my husband, friends, family, parents, TV Shows, church members, and most of all my little Madilyn.
Poem by Linda Chew called "Laughter"
Laughter they say is the best medicine. I'd say I have to agree when things get heavy and things get tough putting on a smile is not enough. You really need to set yourself free, enjoy a good laugh a roaring laugh, hee-hee. A funny joke may do the trick, holding things in proves to make you sick. Don't take life too serious, it might just make you delirious. So take some time and relax. I've already gathered the facts. Join some friends. Laugh your best. Life will be easier for all the rest!
That's right Jaime, always look for the positive things that are happening around you. Enjoying life with laughter is so important.
We can't wait to hear you laugh, Madilyn. Just looking at your sweet videos and your precious smile makes us smile also. Glad that Lexi and Austin are reading books with you. it won't be ong before we can give you hugs and kisses. oxoxoxoxox
Such a cute laugh! I couldn't help but laugh!
I'm glad you are sharing this with us Jaime. It touches me each time I see it. She is such a special spirit, you can feel it even just watching her on the this blog. I love ya, call me sometime so we can chat.
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