Friday, March 25, 2011

Taking Life for Granted

     An old friend from high school just recently wrote to me and said, " so many times we take life for Granite."  That is what brings me to this next post, a grateful reminder of not taking life for granite.  Many of us do take the good things in our lives for granted, our mate, our children, our home, the list goes on. Most of us don't stop to think "what would happen if I lost this or that.   We only think of what we have or had, when it is gone or simply diminished.
    I look back now at my life, and realize how much I took it for granite.  Especially with my children, Lexi and Austin.  I remember when they rolled over, crawled, sat up, walked, and talked, but didn't spend much time realizing how wonderful it was.  I took the small stuff as no biggie.  But now that I have a child with special needs, (Madilyn) I have come to be grateful for those little things.  It is important to cherish the small moments of each and every day spent with them.   

     So what should we do, spend our lives feeling grateful? The answer is yes. You can show that you are grateful for what you have by being kind and generous and teaching your children to be the same. Though that sounds simple, people often cannot master this way of thinking. This may arise from the idea that life owes us at least what we are now receiving. Sometimes we feel life owes us more or better than we are receiving. If that's where you are now, or feel that you are reaching that point take a day off and enjoy some "never take anything for granite" time.Take time out to acknowledge
the smaller good things in life; do it alone or grab your kids, your spouse or a good friend and go to the zoo, take a bike ride or a walk to enjoy the beauty of nature. 
“When something does not insist on being noticed, when we aren't grabbed by the collar or struck on the skull by a presence or an event, we take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude”
-Cynthia Ozick


Grandma & Grandpa Holloway said...

Thank you little Madilyn, because you have made a difference in all our lives. You have helped us realize how grateful we are and how the little things matter the most. Jaime, your words about gratitute touched us and we feel so blessed having you as our daughter. We sure love you and your little family!

Heidi said...

I am so glad you stopped me in the gym this morning. I have been pouring over your blog and falling in love with your little Madilyn. I relate to so many of your different thoughts and feelings. Thank you for sharing. I think you have my son's blog, but just in case-
I will see you again soon, I hope!
Heidi Gunnell

Unknown said...

noun /ˈgranit/ 
granites, plural

A very hard, granular, crystalline, igneous rock consisting mainly of quartz, mica, and feldspar and often used as a building stone

Sum & Ben said...

I got to meet your sweet little Madilyn today at the swimming pool. What a BEAUTIFUL amazing baby she is!!! I just wanted to grab her and take her home. Such a sweet little thing~~~Good luck with all of the testing and such. You don't really know me, but I know the Newman family from a long time ago. Me and my family will be praying for her sweet little spirit. Such a special little angel. You guys are amazing, and she is so lucky to have such loving parents. Thanks for sharing your story:)